KD-ADS: Expanding Horizons

Cos thinking should never be stagnant...

Saturday, July 10, 2004

July the 10th

On a personal note, to start off this entry, today is the birthday of someone dear to me. I bid her the sincerest form of birthday wishes, that her day would be joyful and blessed with abundant happiness. Birthdays, I suppose, represent the little moments of our life where we can indulge in unequivocal superfluous enjoyment, beyond the extend or limits we impose on ourselves in daily social life. Perhaps this socially-constructed festival means even more than ever in this new age of complexity and servitude to our work for a functioning society.

On another note, less personal but no doubt as important and pertinent, the International Court of Justice has ruled that the barrier wall Israel has built on the West Bank violates international law, though the State of Israel has refuted compliance to the order of tearing down the wall. The event is certainly a huge milestone in history, as Israel and the United States are now told off from the other nations of the world. Unfortunately news coverage has overestimated, once again, the simplicity of the matter, by pitting only the opponents of Israel and the Arab nations. There is a wider interplay of forces, America of course being a prominent player, and the objective of all forces must be on the same ground: to restore peace and stability in the region. Perhaps we should hope that states and nations will obey the letter and the spirit of the law (however skeptical I am of the effectiveness of law in as of itself), but difficulties in regulating states to follow the law will precede any form of disobedience by states. What we can only interpret from this significant message is that the world always has a voice in matters that can establish peace and stability, and this universal rule should always be complied, even if without law.

News Source - World Court rules Israel's West Bank barrier illegal
- Arabs Want Israeli Barrier Destroyed


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