Of Marginality and Exclusion
Today I had a little reunion with some old classmates of mine. Although I have realised it the whole time, the small niche of companions I still kepp in touch were the same bunch of teenagers that were excluded and marginalized since our time in school. Although most of them have considerably advanced to form more close social bonds with the new friends and peers in their current lives, I still could not help but feel the sense of isolation we all may have shared. From a variety of social backgrounds, from the poor working class to the upper middle class, the dominant Chinese speaker to the dominant English speaker, from separate interests and fields, somehow we were all linked. There was however, one salient difference between us, which was that only I felt the marginalization. Perhaps this would imply that they weren't truly marginalized and that they simply had small social circles, but it struck me that only I was able to discriminate my status in mainstream society.
Marginality however, is not a trait or property I detest. So I could imagine that I may have developed a "fetish" to cling onto my individual status and that my insight and thoughts are constantly pushed by a perpetual urge or desire to be "different". It does also help that one of my greatest fears is to remain as an ordinary average joe, a label that strikes my heart with pangs of anxiety and despair. However, yet deep in my won heart, I know I serve a minute, close to nonexistent, role in this world.
Social exclusion, however, has not diminished my view of the importance of relationships and human lives. So there must be an extravenous factor that would explain what many would dub the murderous and deprived pathological loner to still bear kinship with human peers. To locate this factor, be it playing a causal or contributive or deductive function, is however too complex a task for one lone human to do. It is however, with great speculation that I propose that an intuitive search for trust and honesty in this world that will compel a person to find that factor. Whatever this factor serves to show, it is one that may be innate in us all.
Marginality however, is not a trait or property I detest. So I could imagine that I may have developed a "fetish" to cling onto my individual status and that my insight and thoughts are constantly pushed by a perpetual urge or desire to be "different". It does also help that one of my greatest fears is to remain as an ordinary average joe, a label that strikes my heart with pangs of anxiety and despair. However, yet deep in my won heart, I know I serve a minute, close to nonexistent, role in this world.
Social exclusion, however, has not diminished my view of the importance of relationships and human lives. So there must be an extravenous factor that would explain what many would dub the murderous and deprived pathological loner to still bear kinship with human peers. To locate this factor, be it playing a causal or contributive or deductive function, is however too complex a task for one lone human to do. It is however, with great speculation that I propose that an intuitive search for trust and honesty in this world that will compel a person to find that factor. Whatever this factor serves to show, it is one that may be innate in us all.
At 4:01 AM,
compassioNAT said…
I must admit that i sometimes have difficulty following your entries. I consider myself to have an adequate vocabulary but your language is sometimes beyond me and i find myself losing the gist of your entries. I have to read and re-read before i get the message. You write perfect. And i mean, PERFECT english but i cant understand it and that bugs me...I know its funny.Am i the only one here who ever told you that?
That explains why i dont leave as much comments as i like. Reply this one ok. see ya dudette
At 4:19 AM,
compassioNAT said…
Ten min after i post my earlier comment..zhihao told me on MSN that you left on thursday!
i would think that i'm a close enough friend for you to share that with! you didnt even give me the opportunity to give you a proper send-off or something...to think i was going to call you up for a movie with LIz and Eve!!
its partly my fault for assuming you shouldnt be going back so soon with all the admin work involve..
i'm fuming here but hey, i'm glad you've left this policed state..knowing how uncomfortable you're here. Its almost as thou you can't wait to go..
settle down, trowa, wherever you are.
At 4:14 PM,
Douglas Evans said…
Sorry, I thought that you knew that I was going back on the 10th. Because I made it explicit to you that I can only meet you and Kamahl after he returns but in a week's time, I would be going.
I didn't see you on MSN, so I assumed you were busy. I apologize for not taking the time to sms you but it just wasn't in my mind as I was busy the last few days before my departure.
As for my post, its ok if you don't understand it. When my musings become personal, I think it becomes harder to relate and comprehend. Not to mention I haven't been precise with my entries, cos sometimes I hesitate to elaborate myself more clearly. We can talk more on MSN once I get on.
At 3:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
just reemeber.. everything happens for a cause. and i won't be the one telling you why. you will realise it yourself.
maybe you have already done so.
take care. never be a fool like myself.
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At 6:47 PM,
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At 6:48 PM,
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