Today is a Special Day for you....
I will be celebrating my birthday tonight. It's been ages since I announced my birthday somewhat publicly. Probably since I was 18, because any sense of spreading awareness of my birthday has reared pointless derivation from my friends or peers, and I now have a preference to spend my "hatch day" in silent solitude. Nothing has changed up to this point, but the one thing that has a dramatic shift for this year is that I have planned a special day for me and my friend.
Female of course.
But I am not celebrating my special day. Rather, the significance is in reverse, and I will be making up to her for the birthday we couldn't celebrate last year (hers). It is going to be an incredible busy day, as I write this, it is 6am, and in a few hours time, I have to move to action, ploughing through all the preparations and also simultaneously going through my work. Finally when night falls, I have to stand up to the "test" when she has the opportunity to "taste" the special "treats" I organized for her. Lacking any firm confidence in my choregraphy, I only hope she will, even if she is unable to state unequivocally that it will be the best time she has, enjoy our own unique experience.
Could I dare to say that material gifts has lost its appeal to me? It has a long time ago. There is no real tangible gift for me to physically hold and feel this year. There hasn't been one for close to 6 years, I could say. For all the silly items and accesories that I received with my grubby hands, none will bear the same weight and importance as this special night.
My birthday was yesterday. Today it is for something else. Call it a special celebration between friends.
Female of course.
But I am not celebrating my special day. Rather, the significance is in reverse, and I will be making up to her for the birthday we couldn't celebrate last year (hers). It is going to be an incredible busy day, as I write this, it is 6am, and in a few hours time, I have to move to action, ploughing through all the preparations and also simultaneously going through my work. Finally when night falls, I have to stand up to the "test" when she has the opportunity to "taste" the special "treats" I organized for her. Lacking any firm confidence in my choregraphy, I only hope she will, even if she is unable to state unequivocally that it will be the best time she has, enjoy our own unique experience.
Could I dare to say that material gifts has lost its appeal to me? It has a long time ago. There is no real tangible gift for me to physically hold and feel this year. There hasn't been one for close to 6 years, I could say. For all the silly items and accesories that I received with my grubby hands, none will bear the same weight and importance as this special night.
My birthday was yesterday. Today it is for something else. Call it a special celebration between friends.
At 1:51 PM,
compassioNAT said…
Happy (belated) birthday! i hope you have a blast :)
At 4:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey man, happy belated birthday. I hope u had a great day. ;)
At 5:07 PM,
Douglas Evans said…
Thanks everyone. I appreciate it.
I am surprised anyone is still checking out my blog.
At 4:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Belated birthday Evans. Hope you enjoyed your birthday~
At 10:06 AM,
Douglas Evans said…
Thanx FCL.
At 1:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
saw u in action in c.rose board months ago, awesome!
happy birthday to you.
At 9:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
happy belated birthday to you, Crankyass. I so hate you for not telling me stuffs like this >_>;
:P I went down to Sale to spend weekend with his family ^^
Wheeeee~ I wanna go back to Sale soon ^^
At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Eeeh..I'm uber late but still.. happy belated bday~
Whoa.. so true I think
This is the first time you ever mentioned about your bday.. ^^
At 1:21 AM,
Douglas Evans said…
Thanks fellows. Late greetings are still valuable.
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